Bryan McFarlane

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Bryan McFarlane is a Boston painter and a professor at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. McFarlane splits time painting his large scale, semi abstract, oils between his studio off of Harrison Avenue in Boston, and one in China. McFarlane was born in Jamaica, and has travelled extensively including to his father’s home country of Ghana. Whether he is in Jamaica, Ghana, China, Boston, or Dartmouth Massachusetts, McFarlane is always examining the arts and expressive styles of his surroundings. He then synthesizes them in dynamic compositions that are inspired by these varied creative environments, but also take on themes of identity, climate change, and globalization. His works are abstract, but contain occasional representational elements, depicted in a style that draws from Caribbean, West African and Boston painting techniques.


Dedee Shattuck Gallery | July 30 - August 24, 2014 | Bryan McFarlane and Jamie Young